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DEFCON Badge Hacking Contest

Welcome to the DEFCON Badge Hacking Contest

Well, here we are again! For the 3rd year in a row, I've had the honor of designing the DEFCON badge. And, for the 3rd year in a row, DT has been gracious enough to let me host a contest around hacking the badge. This is the first year that it will be an official contest announced in advance, etc., as previously we've kept the whole thing under wraps until the first day of the con.

Here's a little description of the contest...

The DEFCON Badge Hacking Contest awards the top 3 most ingenious, obscure, mischievous, obscene, or technologically astounding badge modifications created over the weekend. No longer just a boring piece of passive material, the badge is now a full-featured, active electronic product, and it exists for your hacking pleasure.

We've had some amazing hacks in previous years. For info on the past badges and badge hacking contest entries, check out:


I can't release much information on the particular badge design until the first day of DEFCON, for various security purposes, but I'll be posting some clues and information in this forum every once in a while to make sure you guys (and girls) are prepared for the contest and don't have to waste the weekend installing tools and messing with drivers (like people had to do in previous years).

Unlike last year, where I staged a "badge hacking table" in the corner of the vendor area (complete with a real-life engineer from Freescale providing support), this year people are more than welcome to use the Hardware Hacking Village up in the Skybox area to hack the badges. There will be some equipment there for public use and I'll be spending much of my unused time there hanging out, helping out, etc. So, even if you don't bring your own soldering iron, multimeter, or whatever, lots of tools and resources will be available to you.

As for prizes, no black badges as far as I'm aware, but we'll still have some cool swag that you can't get from any other contest. Plus, bragging rights that can earn you "cool" points all over the world (somehow).

That's it for now. More later.

-Joe Grand (Kingpin) (will be up by DEFCON)

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